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Introducing Profiles 🥂

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The beauty of Contentre is that you can create multiple portfolios for your👇

-Blockchain articles
-Frontend articles
-Backend articles

But how do you add all these links to your social profile or share all these links with your client?

Introducing Profiles 🥂

A simple page with links to all your portfolios, bio, socials, and articles which allow you to have only one link.

Introducing Profiles

Ready to ditch Google Drive? Try Contentre.

Contentre helps technical writers stay organized and gain more clients. Grow your technical writing career in one place.

Now that you’re here, let me briefly recap the most important features Contentre can offer you:

A portfolio builder for tech writers

  • Organize your content in categories, topics, and tags
  • Create and manage multiple clients
  • Create and manage multiple personalized portfolios
  • Get statistical analytics of your content revenue, top categories, and tags.

Try it now. It’s free

MUST READ:  Introducing Custom Domain

Founder | Grow your technical writing career in one place.

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