Freelance Technical Writing

Top 10 Jobs In Technical Writing

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You’re now a technical writer. What are the jobs you can do in your technical writing career?

Technical writing offers a diverse range of remote and on-site jobs. There is a lot of demand for technical writing in this field. A vast majority of these works are from international clients. Hence, working remotely is an option. Knowing the economic situation right now, this is a great career option.

Below are the top 10 jobs in technical writing you can choose from and create a unique brand for yourself.

Technical Content Writer

Digital marketing has ushered in the use of websites, social media, and online platforms for advertisements. The majority of brands are developing new websites and applications. These brands constantly search for content writers who can provide materials that benefit the audience and further establish their brand because many new websites are launched daily.   

A content writer is to provide various kinds of content that will help the audience understand the brand’s good or service. Writing the content to foster trust between the target audience and the brand is essential.  

Technical Copywriter 

Any type of copywriting can be highly beneficial to any business. A copywriter promotes the brand and helps generate income. 

Technical copywriting differs slightly from standard technical writing in emphasizing marketing over product or service explanation.

A portfolio builder for tech writers

A technical writer’s objective is to increase sales and clientele. This role and the technical marketing content writer may overlap regarding case studies and other similar tasks.

In addition, technical copywriters can create landing pages, brochures, marketing content, billboards, web pages, and advertising.

Copywriters create captivating material that advances the brand and convinces readers to purchase the company’s goods or services. Copywriters occasionally publish pieces that discuss the worth of the brand to the intended audience.

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UX Writer

To improve consumers’ experiences with the product, user experience (UX) writers establish a balance between the brand’s voice and writing that is simple enough for users of all ages, backgrounds, and skill levels to understand.

Experts claim that the reason the majority of businesses are profitable is because they place a high value on user experience. It demonstrates that an excellent user experience will ultimately help the business. 

A UX writer should be experienced in creating captivating material for all platforms and understand the intended audience in-depth. 

A comprehensive study of the target market for the company, in addition to writing top-notch copy for various products, websites, apps, and other media. Both current and prospective customers should benefit from the content’s substance. 

CV Writer and Cover Letter

People apply for jobs daily and use cover letters and resumes for many reasons. Articles will compel articles that will help clients get a remote job. 

A good resume will mention the core knowledge and skills, how much experience your client has, and their education history. To write an excellent CV, a CV writer must add all these and ensure it is to the point. 

Grant Writing 

Proposals are typically written by grant writers to help organizations get funding. Therefore, on behalf of the company, a technical writer must arrange all data, prepare drafts, and submit proposals.

Resources like tutorials and formats can be found online to help you develop this ability and broaden your expertise as a technical writer. Among the abilities a grant writer has to possess are good research skills, organizational abilities, and hard and soft talents, which are all indicators of excellent communication skills.

  1. Business proposal Writing
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Technical writing in the form of business proposals can be complex. Still, it’s only sometimes appropriate for candidates who want to persuade other companies to join or support their campaigns! In addition to stating a problem or need and offering suggestions for a solution, proposals include a title, table of contents, executive summary, qualifications, price, and terms and conditions.

This type of writing requires excellent attention to detail and establishing professional relationships.

Case Studies

This writing primarily aims to give customers content that strengthens their trust in the business and the good or service. A case study writer will also present several solutions after identifying the issues. 

Additionally, a writer will point out the best resolution for each problem. Experts also support case studies that include pertinent details, such as what transpired before and following the resolution of the issue. This demonstrates the brand’s legitimacy.

Technical Editor

A technical editor is responsible for revising technical documents, white papers, and user guides. To ensure accurate and current information, they may collaborate closely with subject matter experts, stakeholders, product managers, and software development teams.

Technical editing is an excellent career choice for anyone with an eye for detail and a love of writing. Excellent written and verbal communication skills and a strong aptitude for technology are also required.

To create high-quality documentation, technical editors must have strong writing, analytical, problem-solving, and organizational skills.

Specifications Writer

The technical necessities, resources, and standards for construction and engineering projects are documented by a specifications writer. A specification writer works closely with architects, engineers, and other project stakeholders to fully comprehend project specifications and accurately translate them into written documentation. 

A requirement is to ensure these projects adhere to industry standards and regulations.

A specifications writer typically requires a bachelor’s degree in architecture, construction management, or engineering (preferably with a focus on architecture) and research and writing skills. Databases, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and building codes and ordinances knowledge.

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Policy writer

Policy writers carry out studies write, and update policies and procedures for a company to ensure compliance with industry regulations and legal requirements. 

A policy writer must lay out a clear plan for how things should work within an organization. They may also analyze existing policies, propose new ones, and collaborate with other departments to develop effective regulation enforcement strategies.

This necessitates research, knowledge of policy writing format, comprehension of legal terminologies, excellent writing and communication skills, the ability to work independently, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.


There you have it. Top 10 jobs in technical writing.

In today’s highly competitive online marketplace, people must find your company and its products and services and trust your brand. The best way to achieve both of those goals is to provide them with accurate, compelling, and easy-to-digest articles and posts.

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