Product Updates

Introducing Medium Integration

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This feature is one of the most requested features from our beta users.

For writers who are allowed by their publishers to cross-post their content on different platforms with canonical URLs pointing to the main content.

Contentre allows writers to automate this process, writers can automatically cross-post content to Medium, Devto, Hashnode, Strapi, WordPress, etc at the same time with simple clicks.

Here are the steps:

🚀 Add the app from our Plugins page.

🚀 Input account Token, secret or connect using OAuth to activate the plugin.

🚀 Add all the plugins of your choice in your publishing pipeline with individual settings.

A portfolio builder for tech writers

…and Voila, let Contentre do the dirty work.

Here is a demo video:

Ready to ditch Google Drive? Try Contentre.

Contentre helps technical writers stay organized and gain more clients. Grow your technical writing career in one place.

Now that you’re here, let me briefly recap the most important features Contentre can offer you:

  • Organize your content in categories, topics, and tags
  • Create and manage multiple clients
  • Create and manage multiple personalized portfolios
  • Get statistical analytics of your content revenue, top categories, and tags.

Try it now. It’s free

MUST READ:  Introducing Media Gallery

Founder | Grow your technical writing career in one place.

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