Technical Writing is not just about writing. There is a lot to consider before writing even the first draft.
This article provides technical writers with valuable tips on achieving consistency, drawing from a wealth of experience in freelance technical writing.
Meet Victor, he went from an abysmal pay of $50 for a 1000-word article to earning $500 weekly and having fun along his technical writing journey.
The format and instructions for creating a technical report are provided in this article, which you will find useful when writing one.
You have found your passion to be technical writing and trying to determine if the career path is sustainable. It can be difficult to decide without a detailed article to guide you. Here is an article to help you make a decision.
If you love writing and technology, you’re on the right track to becoming a technical writer. Here is how do you become a better technical writer
In this article, we would look over the top 5 tips for building a good technical writing portfolio.